Saturday, December 23, 2017


It would be beyond cliché for the Authors to quote the opening line from Charles Dickens’ classic tale of the French Revolution, “Tale of Two Cities. But what the heck. English composition classes are ancient history. 

It was the best of times,
it was the worst of times,

it was the age of wisdom,
it was the age of foolishness,
it was the epoch of belief,
it was the epoch of incredulity,
it was the season of Light,
it was the season of Darkness,
it was the spring of hope…

But 2017, like most years, contained some of the best and lots less of the worst than what we have seen in the last century and in the early years of this century. So is the world getting to be a better place? Is it just any worse than it was? Is it worthwhile to even ask the question?

A Facebook friend and a guy I have known many years posted his belief that despite his natural optimism, he was feeling very anxious about the future. He’s not the only one. A poll that the Author Rob found reported that only six percent of Americans are positive about the future. Another friend once told me that he thought that Americans were very unhappy people. Gloom and doom, fire and brimstone, the coming dystopia are very common American worldviews. And it is very easy to become negative. The country faces challenges at home and challenges abroad. The nation is often oblivious to endemic problems at home and the more rational views of other nations in the world. Our political system is toxic and practically dysfunctional. So it looks like we are peddling more of the same bad news.  

Nope. We have plenty of good news. Some of it really good news. Much of it comes from other countries, some of it is world wide, but there is no shortage of good news in this country. John Mauldin writes a newsletter called “Thoughts from the Frontline.” Mauldin is often considered a “perma bear.” But Mauldin cites to an article on the website Future Crush. The title of the web article is “99 Reasons that 2017 was a Good Year.”  Let’s look at a few:


Cancer deaths have dropped by 25% in the United States since 1991, saving more than 2 million lives. Breast cancer deaths have fallen by 39%, saving the lives of 322,600 women. Time

In October, new research from the Center for Disease Control revealed that between 2000 and 2016, the measles vaccine saved 20.4 million lives.  (Anti-vaxxers read this and wise up. You are endangering your kids and other people.)


China carried out its largest ever crackdown on pollution, reprimanding, fining or jailing officials in 80,000 factories, 40% of the country’s total. NPR

Sweden committed to phasing out all carbon emissions by 2045, and the country’s largest pension fund divested from six companies that violate the Paris Agreement, including Exxon, Gazprom and TransCanada. CleanTechnica

Deutsche Bank, one of the coal industry’s biggest financiers, announced it would stop financing all new coal projects. Ouch.

In the United Kingdom, the birthplace of the industrial revolution, carbon emissions fell to the lowest levels since 1894, and on the 21st of April the country did not burn coal for the first time in 140 years. Independent UK

Solar energy is now responsible for one in every 50 new jobs created in the United States, and the clean energy sector is growing at 12 times the rate of the rest of the economy. CNBC

General Motors believes “the future is all-electricVolkswagen announced it’s investing 70 billion euros and “putting its full force behind a shift into electric cars” and Volvo said that starting in 2019 it will only make fully electric or hybrid cars “the end of the combustion engine-powered car.” Atlantic


New data showed that young people are officially less racist than old people. The worldwide trend is towards less discrimination on the grounds of skin tone or caste. Quartz

The immigrant population of the US (people born in another country) has now reached 43.7 million people, one out of every eight residents, the highest proportion in 106 years. CIS

Global deaths from terrorism dropped by 22% from their peak in 2014, thanks to significant declines in four of the five countries most impacted: Syria, Pakistan, Afghanistan and Nigeria. ReliefWeb


Snow leopards have been on the endangered list since 1972. In 2017, they were taken off, as the wild population has now increased to more than 10,000 animals. BBC

Taiwan became the first Asian country to ban the eating of cats and dogs, with new laws imposing fines for consumption and jail time for killing and cruelty. National Geographic

Gucci announced it would go fur-free in 2018 and auction off all remaining fur items. It follows in the footsteps of Armani, which went fur free in 2016. Harper’s Bazaar

There is a lot of good news here, and there is much more to be found on Future Crunch. 


It would it be impossible to close out 2017 without a look at the historically low level of market volatility and the insane activity of the cryptcurrency Bitcoin. The VIX is an indicator of market volatility based upon market expectations for the next 30 days. For much of 2017, the VIX has been in a very abnormally low range. It has spent much of the time from March to today in the level close to ten, even falling below ten. The VIX is also called the “fear index,” as it roughly reflects the short-term investor sentiment regarding the possible swings in stock prices. VIX at this level indicates a generally positive and stable near-term market outlook, despite the large grind to the upside and some international instability. But for option traders such as the Authors, it makes it difficult to find the large movements in price to generate good returns. Other strategies can work in these slow trending markets suc

Finally Bitcoin. The Authors have dipped their toes into Bitcoin with shares of GBTC, a Bitcoin Unit Investment Trust.  Swings have been large, and it is still difficult to get good valuations of the trust premium (this premium is the difference between the underlying value of the trust’s Bitcoin holdings and the amount which investors are paying for shares of the trust). Next year will bring ETFs that will trade Bitcoin long and short. The Author Rob has little understanding of Bitcoin. But in his opinion, it is not an alternative currency. It is a commodity that promoters wish to become an alternative currency. The market is incredibly opaque and illiquid. But perhaps when it is widely traded in the markets, it will be discounted for it really is. Not much of anything. 


Markets slow at the end of the year. Western countries, especially historically Christian countries, slow for Christmas and New Years. And these holidays stretch further back into our pagan histories. These short days have always been a time of indoor festivity and “prayers” to the sun to return in the spring. So it is worth stepping back a bit and sitting before the figurative Yule Log. Or the digital Yule Log, if you wish.

The New Year is a time for resolutions and fresh starts. For fitness centers, diet companies and the maker of Chantix, this is their Black New Years Day. So let’s kick back and refresh over the holidays and kick-start 2018 with some nice gains and great times with friends (make sure to make some new ones this year) and family. Adopt a shelter pet and donate to animal welfare or your favorite charity. And hope like the Author for a trip to the Super Bowl for the Minnesota Vikings.


Saturday, December 16, 2017


The December 2017 Investment Newsletterr addressed some reasons for equities ongoing increases. It also addressed Bitcoin, the bubble de jour in these halcyon days for market “froth.” 

Bitcoin, as we surely know, has hit the stratosphere. It is currently pegged at $17,600, and was trading at $17,270 at 16:00 hours today, Saturday, December 16, 2017. This site tracks bitcoin in real time.

Based upon the driving human emotions of economics, fear and greed, and observations of legion financial bubbles, a few will cleanup and most will get fleeced.  But that’s business as wise guys know it.  Sure, some will lose houses, life savings, pension-regrettable, but avoidable. . But the bigger world will be the earth’s atmosphere and depleting fossil fuels. Sound’s crazy, right? Here’s how.


Remember that Bitcoin is a crypto currency with no physical. It “exists” on a huge peer-to-peer network.  Many Bitcoin Investors  (Author’s Disclosure: The Author’s own the equivalent of .2 Bitcoins in GBTC, a Bitcoin Investment Trust) “own” the Bitcoin. There are other ways to invest. The CBOE has begun futures trading in Bitcoins and there are institutions that wish to create Exchange Traded Funds (ETF) that will hold Bitcoin. There may also be RTS that short Bitcoins.  But if you have enough computing power, you can use computer to “mine it”.

But as we know, Bitcoin exists only as electrons, or as executable computer code. To mine it, you must have massive amounts of computing power to solve complex mathematical problems (“hashing algorithm” called SHA-256) with “brute force” computing power. These calculations require so much computing power that your systems must use profligate amounts of electricity and produce tremendous amounts of heat.  If your system crunches the hash algorithm more quickly, you earn some bitcoins. But we are not talking megawatts. The amount of electricity to mine Bitcoin is currently equivalent to the usage of Serbia. I exceeds that of the aggregate electic power use of many third world countries. By 2019, Bitcoin mining will use as much electricity as the US. And by November 2020, it will use the same amount as is currently used by the entire world.

Of course this usage curve is unsustainable. But where will it stop and when Perhaps the oldest of human emotions, fear and greed will crash the entire Bitcoin universe.


Wednesday, December 6, 2017



It is likely that 2017 will see the major market indices close at record high levels. It is possible, even likely, that there will be a pullback in the short term. The outlook for 2018 is not guaranteed, but signs indicate the first part of the year will continue to provide gains or at least avoid large, sustained pullbacks. Several factors point in that direction.

First, monetary policy has shunted everyone into equities, or at least away from cash. Interest rates have been extremely low, causing money to cascade into equities or other oddities.  Take a look at information contained in a recent John Mauldin newsletter, “Thoughts from the Frontline.”    Here is where some money is going:

• A painting (which may be fake) sold for $450 million.
• Bitcoin (which may be worthless) soared nearly 700% from $952 to ~$8000. (Now up to over $11,000.) More on this later…
• US corporations sold a record $1.75 trillion in bonds.
• •Argentina, a serial defaulter, sold 100-year bonds in an oversubscribed offer.
• Illinois, hopelessly insolvent, sold 3.75% bonds to bondholders fighting for allocations.
• The market cap of the FANGs increased by more than $1 trillion.
• Money-losing Tesla Inc. sold 5% bonds with no covenants as it burned $4+ billion in cash and produced very few cars.  (Hmmm… when did we last hear the term "burn rate"? 2000, I recall.)

Two historical and seasonal market factors may also come into play. The first is the “Santa Claus Rally” and the second the “January Effect.” The Santa Claus rally happens in the last week of December and the first two days of January. This effect is attributed to workers investing their Christmas Bonuses (the Author Rob asks “what are these.?” He has not gotten a Christmas Bonus since the early 1990s.), purchasing based upon lower prices anticipated by the January effect, and the tiny gasps of “peace on earth and goodwill toward men” that are still in utterance.

The “January Effect” is believed to the result of investors selling off losing investments to harvest the tax losses (lower prices for stocks) and again, investment of Christmas bonuses.


Remember the kids’ game, “Button, Button, who’s got the Button?” Several players would put their hands out and one kid would secretly drop the button into another’s hand. Then the kids would try to guess who had the button. (This is not to be confused with the game of “Hot Potato,” which may prove to provide a much better analogy.) Only one kid can have the button, and the player that makes the right guess wins the game.


A Bitcoin is a cyber-currency that has no physical existence. It is held on peer-to-peer networks and not on a single server. Bitcoin is accounted for on the “block chain,” a distributed database of the transactions. Bitcoin “miners” are paid in Bitcoins for solving extremely complex problems that protect the block chain. When Bitcoin was released, a PC had enough processing power to mine Bitcoins. Now it requires a huge server farm in a remote part of the world where electricity is very cheap.

Bitcoin is accepted by numerous parties. It is gaining in acceptance across the world, but is by no means broadly accepted. It is banned in many countries, especially in countries in economic turmoil such as Venezuela.

There are also concerns about Bitcoin because of its use in criminal and terrorist activity.

And we should also note that there are several other cryptocurrencies trying to compete with Bitcoin. And if you really, really wanted too, you could launch your own cryptocurrency.


Bitcoin is currently worth $11,056. (12.3 at 6:00pm ET) It is extremely volatile. It will soon be trading as a commodity in the Futures market. The US Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) confirmed Friday that CME Group and CBOE had met the requirements for regulated trading, while Cantor Exchange would also be able to debut Bitcoin binary options. 

Bitcoins have not yet been approved for major American markets and Bitcoin ownership is not just one mouse click away.  But large financial institutions are poised to launch Bitcoin exchanged traded funds. This is when to get the button.  A we know, exchange traded funds (ETFs) or sometimes known as exchange traded products (EFPs) are a common investment product. There are ETPs for market indices, market sectors and foreign markets. Currently, there are Bitcoin ETPs awaiting SEC approval.  Proshares  and  REX  
Both of these funds will have a product that is short Bitcoin exposure and one that is long Bitcoin exposure.

Some investors are betting it all on Bitcoin. Early adopting investors are dabbling in it and some got on the train very early. The Authors have not invested in Bitcoin yet, but believe the time to move is as soon as the ETPs are issued. These products will be launched with much fanfare and money will flow in at a fast and greatly accelerating rate.

At this point, the “Greater Fool” effect will be in full vigor. The price behavior of Bitcoin will resemble that of stocks in 2000, real estate in 2008 and perhaps even tulip bulbs in 17th century Holland. Keep your stop loss orders tight and hold on for the ride. The Authors’ need to ride another wave of other peoples’ insanity.