Friday, January 19, 2018



The Author Rob’s favorite NFL team, the Minnesota Vikings, are a hard luck post-season bunch. They’ve lost four Superbowls, lost a host of playoff games over the years, and lost two conference championships due to unforced errors in the most unlikely of circumstances.

But the 2017 Vikings are a dominating team with a league leading defense and a potent offense quarterbacked by an unknown, undrafted, and formerly unloved journeyman quarterback named Case Keenum. (You have to know that this post is going somewhere else.) So it was sort of expected that the Vikings would choke again in 2018.

In the early 1970s, the Minnesota state government pulled off what was called the Minnesota “Miracle,” a revamping of school funding that equalized funding levels across all schools. To this day, the Minnesota school system is one of the finest and best performing in America.

Then the Vikings pulled this off. And within just a few hours, Minnesota had a new "Miracle."

The Vikings advance to the Conference Championship game against the Philadelphia Eagles, the penultimate game on the road to the 2018 Superbowl. And in another potential improbability, the 2018 Superbowl will be played in the Vikings Home Stadium.  So if the Vikings get to the Superbowl, they will be playing in their home stadium.


The Author Rob has written on the topic of the “Simulation Hypothesis” before. The Simulation Hypothesis, a favorite meme of Silicon Valley moguls, is that we are not living in a natural world but a computer simulation.  The concept goes back at least as far back as 2003 when Oxford philosopher Nick Bostrum proposed it. The idea is that an advanced civilization with almost unimaginable amounts of computer power could create a reality that would appear to its electronic inhabitants to be a real world. It would be like the simulacrum that was the ostensible world in the 1999 Sci-Fi classic “The Matrix.”

Bostrum believes that there is a fifty-percent chance that the earth is a simulation.  Theoretical physicists have reportedly demonstrated that we cannot be in simulation, but that conclusion has been challenged.


One iteration of the Simulation concept is that it can be almost infinitely iterated. Just as scientists run experiments with different variables, advanced civilizations could run Simulations to test various hypotheses.  Or test anything they wished to test. But could the Simulation be on tilt? Could the Simulation joysticks been handed over to adolescent idiots like Beavis and Butt-Head?

2016 and 2017 were strange years. In February, the New England Patriots came back to win the Superbowl in stunning and rather unbelievable fashion. A pass that came within an inch of hitting the field and being incomplete was revealed to be complete and keep the game winning drive alive. The wrong winner of the Oscar for Best Picture was announced and then withdrawn at the Oscars ceremony. The Chicago Cubs won the World Series in October, their first win since the scores were kept on papyrus schools (1908).  And then Donald Trump was elected to the most powerful position in the Simulation. An unlikely candidate for a major party and a more unlikely winner.  Can it get more weird?

Maybe. In October of 2017 the first object from outside of our solar system was discovered. An object called A/2017 U1 came within 15 million miles of earth. The object was scanned to determine if any alien life was present, but none was found.

Potentially groundbreaking news on the UFO (now called UAE-Unexplained Aerial Phenomenon) was released in 2017. It was revealed that the US government conducted a program from 2007 to 2011 called Advanced Aerospace Threat IdentificationProgram (AATIP). It is reported that this program, or a successor to this program, is still operating.  

Other recent disclosures include a video of a UAE encountered by Navy pilots in 2004. 


The air force began an official investigation in 1947 and was officially concluded as “Project Blue Book” in 1969.  The results of the study found only a handful of unexplainable incidents. And on a related note, there is a 1956 semi-documentary movie called “UFO.” It includes footage from two UAE films from the 1950s. It is worth watching. TCM shows it occasionally. 

Three main findings flowed from Project Blue Book:
  1. No UFO reported, investigated and evaluated by the Air Force was ever an indication of threat to our national security;
  2. There was no evidence submitted to or discovered by the Air Force that sightings categorized as "unidentified" represented technological developments or principles beyond the range of modern scientific knowledge; and
  3. There was no evidence indicating that sightings categorized as "unidentified" were extraterrestrial vehicles.  
But the larger question, as raised by legitimate UAE researchers, is why release this information now?  

As stated in the article, “Why release this information now? Some see it as a trial balloon to take the pulse of citizens' reactions. Is the public being set up for the really big news about alien visitors?” 

The Author Rob does not have much to offer on this topic. * On a flippant note, the X-Files are back on TV this year. But to hazard a guess, look for evidence that the number of web searches and postings are ramping up dramatically in the next year or so.  

But if this is a Simulation, the Simulators will be banging the sticks hard for more UAE citing’s.

UAEs have Safe Passage in the Desert of the Real!

* He did see a cigar-shaped UAE in New Mexico about ten years ago. It was over 500 feet long and performed in a manner that man-made aircraft cannot operate.

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